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Showing posts from December, 2011

Crazy December: 24

December 24 started a little woozy, you see at one point last night, my fever reached 39.2 and my body hurt everywhere! I was really contemplating on cancelling the bridal shower for my cousin because 1. I may not feel well enough to host the shower 2. If ever I do host the shower with a slight fever, I may infect my cousin with fever and she had a flight to catch on Dec 26 Decisions, decisions. But thankfully, come morning, the fever was gone - viral fever only! I quickly got dressed and had breakfast with my mom at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Kim Po. Feeling a bit better, I decided to prepare for the bridal shower which was scheduled at 3PM. We finished breakfast, congee, and headed to Trinoma and prayed that I can hopefully find everything that I need. OKAY. I got this covered. I was a bit nervous, being December 24th and all, I was quite afraid of the Christmas rush. We arrived at the mall at 10AM and we actually waited outside the door before the mall opened and

How stuff works: Piso Bid anyone?

First of all, I am in no way, related to the owners of at present (it's a small world after all) and I'm writing this blog because I like to analyze and figure out how things work :) I was reading through my Ymail when I saw this ad for The name caught my attention and all that was running through my mind was the thrill of bidding - Ebay alert hihihi. When the website opened, I saw that there were a lot of gadgets up for grabs, among the lot was an iPhone 4 which I really wanted but didn't have the heart to spend Php 40,000 for a cellphone. Upon closer inspection, they are giving away ipads, LV bags and GCs. Hmmmmm.... let's give it a try! I never did like reading instructions and policy agreements so I just purchased a 35 bids for Php 500 so that I can start bidding. It's actually pretty easy to bid, all it takes is a click of a button, money is gone. HAHAHA In the pisobid, you actually use real money to buy bid, in this case, 1 bid