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Showing posts from February, 2012

How to become a Millionaire

I stumbled upon this article in Yahoo and I found myself drawn to read up on how to be a millionaire (a million pound millionaire = Php 72M).  While having a lot of money used to be my goal, Yes, money can buy us a lot of things that we see in TV and movies and read about in books but lately I have come to realize that no amount of money can buy back time. Yes, I realize this quite late but then it is never too late to know your priorities. Loosing my dad coupled and facing the reality of death made me realize that what is important is not the amount of money you have made, but the relationships you've built with the important people in your life. My time with my Dad was so short, there are days when I miss just having someone there who loves me unconditionally and is willing to listen to however small or petty my problem or story might be. So my plan is to create moments that matter. Work is just work - it will n