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Showing posts from October, 2012

Life's little pleasures

Life is made up of little moments that make us happy :) This list should never stop. 1. Getting a green light for three straight stoplights you encounter 2. The perfect mix of music on a late friday night after a great dinner with friends 3. Licking your fingers after eating KFC original chicken or a bag of Doritos 4. Lying in bed with freshly laundered sheets 5. A bowl of warm noodles on a rainy day 6. Choosing the fastest lane, the fastest line 7. Finding an empty spot in a full parking lot 8. Spontaneous moments of craziness 9. Leaving the office while it is still light outside 10. Dreaded meetings get rescheduled on a later date 11. Packing your things for a trip 12. Thinking about your vacation 13. Resigning from a job you hate 14. Conversations with friends 15. Surprise text from your old friend 16. Finding/getting a cold drink on a warm summer day 17. Satisfying your craving/finding someone to buy what you are craving for (in my case, its white cheddar pop