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Showing posts from September, 2012

Bonding Day

What seems to be the start of a perfect night can go haywire. To celebrate Famealy Day, the office declared that employees can go home as early as 5:00pm. I have not been able to do so in a long time, this was my time! Despite the heavy traffic that welcomed me as I approached EDSA, I was not to be fazed, I was determined to have dinner with my family. An hour later, I was driving up to our house, an hour of traffic all behind me, excited to have dinner. I was welcomed by the sound of frying garlic inside a hot pan and the scent of Sinigang ( Sinigang  is a Filipino soup  or stew  characterized by its sour flavor  traditionally with tamarind). Things are looking better and better I must say! Menu for tonight's dinner consisted of Stuffed Ampalaya (Bitter Melon), Sinigang, Stir Fried Kang Kong (Water Spinach) and Liempo (Grilled Pork Belly) The meal ended with local fruits Rambutan and Lansones (Langsat). Blissfully full, I was not ready to let this long night go to wa

Hole in One...

... takes many many long hours of practice and precision to make it happen. I met up with my friend who plays golf to lose weight every weekend. Yes, playing golf can make you lose weight, the sheer concentration and correct position counts a lot. My friends was sweating by the bucket when I got there. Thee things I learned during my first try: 1. The proper position involves sticking your butt out and making sure your right arm is kept straight the whole time 2. You should wear comfortable light clothing as it can get quite humid 3. It takes many many many buckets of balls to perfect one shot  At the Camp Aguinaldo Driving Range preparing to hit the ball  I think in this shot the ball landed a few yards away but it still looks nice right? I'm still thinking if I should take up golf as my spot. It is an expensive sport, golf clubs aside.